I'm so in love with the work that they did with my hat! They sat with me and brainstormed until we got the final product and I'm so happy with how it turned out! Everyone should visit their hat bar!
I went last week for the first time. I was very impressed and will definitely not be my last.
Theproperpelican is a new boutique that is located next door to the Bank of Abbeville in the Square! I was so impressed when I walked in the door. The feeling I got was that same small town Abbeville vibe I had when I moved to Abbeville 23 years ago. You know, back when the Square was full of locally owned shops that you walked in and fell in love with all the items they carried. I loved everything about it…..and the building itself is beautiful with its brick walls, antique wood and metal accents There are tons of handmade specialty items from local artists and craftsman, clothing for men, women, pre-teens, and babies, and home decor. It’s a mix of everything and Abbeville is soooooo blessed to have them! It definitely should be a “must stop by and check out” place for you!